Suzanne Enoch - Regency Romance Author
Suzanne Enoch - Regency Romance Author



Frequently Asked Questions


Will there be another Sam and Rick book?
I don’t know. I haven’t been offered another contract with a publisher to write them, so for the moment, no, there won’t be another one. However, with the advent of ebooks and authors putting out original content, there’s a possibility that I’ll have time to write one and put it up in electronic format on my own. That depends on my current writing schedule, but I would LOVE to write another one.

Do you have a printable list of all your books, divided into series?
Yes, I do. You’ll find it here.

Will the Duke of Sommerset have his own book?
Yes. I changed publishers at the end of the Adventurer’s Club trilogy and have since begun a new book series with my new publisher, but I haven’t forgotten Sommerset. I don’t know quite where I’ll put him yet, but I will get back to him.

Will the rest of the Carroway brothers (Andrew and Edward the Runt) get their own books?
Probably not. I enjoyed writing about them as young people, but I don’t know if there is enough left to learn about them to make them interesting as heroes of their own full-length stories.

Will Francis Henning ever get his own book?
No. He’s a perennial sidekick’s sidekick, a bridesmaid in a land of brides. But I will continue to include him in every one of my books that I can manage.

Where do you get your ideas?
I get them from everywhere. Snippets of conversation I overhear, dreams, random scenes from other books or movies, watching people in the mall, you name it, I use it as sparks that ignite into full-blown stories.

What is your publishing schedule?
At the moment, I write two books a year. One comes out in the spring, and one in the fall.

Do you answer your fan mail?
Yes, though it sometimes takes me a LOOOOOONG time to do so. I’m more likely to answer you quickly if you post on my Facebook page, and I simply don’t have time to answer snail mail letters that don’t include a SASE. Just between you and me, if you write me about something you don’t like, I’m less likely to answer you.

Do you have bookplates, bookmarks, postcards, or trading cards you can send me?
No, I don’t. I’m just not that organized.

Will you read my manuscript/outline/story synopsis?
No. It’s not that I’m mean, but a) my agent doesn’t allow me to read unpublished material for legal reasons, and b) I need that time to write my own material.

Do you know how I can get published?
I don’t even know how I got published. If you’re interested in writing romance, I recommend that you join the Romance Writers of America. They have a great many more resources than I do. If you write a different genre, I haven’t got a clue.

What happened to book #2 in the Sam and Rick series, PLAYING WITH FIRE?
As often happens in the publishing world, the title of that book was changed after I mentioned it in the Author's Notes of FLIRTING WITH DANGER. The correct title of book #2 is DON'T LOOK DOWN. There is no PLAYING WITH FIRE.